Air Quality:
The Burden of Locally Produced Fugitive
and Airborne Particulate Matter
Thursday, 14 May 2020 • 12–1 p.m.
We are all aware that the color of the sky in Qatar is not as blue as in a child’s painting, and that our desks gather a great deal of dust in a matter of minutes. Have you ever wondered where all this dust is coming from, what the impact of it is on all of us, and if there is any solution to it? Unfortunately, this presentation will not answer all these questions. On the other hand, it aims to improve our understanding of airborne particulate matter, to identify some of the plausible sources, and discuss recent research performed locally and internationally.
Dr. Konstantinos E. Kakosimos
Dr. Konstantinos E. Kakosimos is an associate professor of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University at Qatar. He has more than 55 peer-reviewed publications and four books/chapters in the English and Greek languages. His main research activities are focused on the experimental and numerical modeling of transport and reacting phenomena with applications in Environmental fluid mechanics and monitoring for air quality, risk analysis and effects estimation of fires, explosions, and toxic gases dispersion, and Solar photo- and thermochemical processes, reactors, and materials. Moreover, Dr. Kakosimos researches new educational methods and techniques, for which he received the 2015 IChemE Hutchison medal. He is also the recipient of the 2016 Research Laboratory Safety, 2017 Research Excellence for Early Carrier Faculty, and 2019 Faculty Excellence Awards at Texas A&M University. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Kakosimos serves the local and international community in various ways, as secretary of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – Arabian Gulf Branch (2014-15), Chair of the Principle Investigators Council at Texas A&M Qatar (2017-2018), Chair of the Qatar National Air Quality Standards subcommittee of the Ministry of Municipalities and Environment (2018), and task force member at the Ministry of Public Health (2018-today).